The evolution of distance education in Brazil: an analysis from its institutionalization processes
Distance education in Brazil gains prominence from the 2000s, with the Open University of Brazil and with its insertion on the National Educational Plan 2001-2010, that intended to provide the superior education to 30% of the Brazilian population from 18 to 24 years old. Aiming to reflect over this reality, the study discussed the evolution of distance education in Brazil, using the institutional theory lenses, questioning how this process of institutionalization has been going on through the last decades. To answer this questioning, this manuscript was developed in two steps: the first one presents the history of distance education in Brazil and the second one shows its main signs of institutionalization. The methodological procedures involved the content analysis of two deep interviews and an extensive document analysis. As results, this manuscript points out that the process of institutionalization of distance education in Brazil is dynamic and permanent, and that institutional theory lenses are relevant to describe transformations that occurs in strategic areas such as distance education. The study also presents future work.Downloads
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