Interactions among post graduation actors (stricto sensu) in management: an analysis of the individual and the collectivity




In this paper we aimed to understand how professors of Management Post Graduate programs relate among themselves and with other stakeholders of higher education. We conducted a multiple case study through interviews with professors and document analysis of lattes curricula. It was found that communication problems, lack of coordination, the time constraint, the concentration of knowledge and the independence of the researcher hinder the interaction among professors of the same program. It was evident also that the activities of existing interaction among professors rarely address issues of education. It was also identified institutions such as CNPq, the State Foundations of Research Development and CAPES as entities that participate in field analysis. We also highlight the standards of conduct encouraged by the CAPES evaluation system, through the establishment of metrics points to the publication.

Author Biography

Eduardo Guedes Villar, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Aluno de Doutorado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Federal do Paraná.




