Internal marketing practices in educational institution
This study analyzes the internal marketing practices of an educational institution from the perspective of teachers and course coordination. This is a descriptive study, a survey and a case study. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire and the data were analyzed with the aid of descriptive statistics, Cluster Analysis and Mann Whitney U test. Results show that the most used internal marketing practices are: organizational and teaching culture development; institution-employee relationship; integration/dialogue between coordinators and teachers; use of internal communication channels and development of the organizational climate. Most employees are satisfied with the institution's internal marketing practices, and three employee segments have been identified: the satisfied, the moderately satisfied, and the dissatisfied. This study presents several empirical evidences on the subject within a Brazilian educational institution (context with lack of studies) and reveals the existence of statistical difference between the opinions of the employees according to the position and work regime. It also shows how the technique of market segmentation can be applied to the internal public.
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