Competitive advantages in offering distance education courses at community universities
The study aims to identify sources of competitive advantage in the provision of distance education courses in community universities. As for the research design, the present study is characterized as descriptive in terms of objectives, a multiple case study in terms of procedures and in terms of approach, it is characterized as qualitative. The study was carried out in two community university organizations located in southern Brazil. As a result, it was possible to verify the necessary resources to enable the offer of distance education courses, in the two cases studied, are the need to mobilize technological, human and financial resources. Although not enough resources have been found to generate sustainable competitive advantage, the adoption of the strategy itself has brought benefits to the researched universities, such as the appropriation of the technologies used in distance education and the expansion of the university. However, with regard to the ability to create value and generate competitive advantage, in the cases studied, there is some difficulty, especially in developing specific differentials for distance education courses that are valuable for students and generate sustainable competitive advantage for universities.
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