Management and quality indicators of brazilian federal universities
This paper aimed to analyze the correlation between the management and quality indicators of Brazilian federal universities, in the period from 2012 to 2018, through the nonparametric tests of Spearman's correlation and Kruskal-Wallis group comparison. The results showed that, according to the hypotheses of correlations formulated, the management indicators Current Cost (CC), Number of Equivalent Professors (NPE), Number of Equivalent Employees (NFE), Level of Involvement in Graduate Programs (GPEP), CAPES concept and Faculty Qualification Index (ICCD) were the ones that presented the most significant correlations with the quality indicators General Course Index (IGC) and University Ranking of Folha de São Paulo (RUF). In addition, the South and Southeast regions showed the best results for the indicators IGC and ICCD. Regarding the indicators RUF, CC, NPE, NFE, the best results were concentrated in the South, Southeast, Midwest and Northeast regions, with no statistical difference for these regions. For the indicators GPEP and CAPES concept, the best results were in the South, Southeast and Midwest regions. The North Region had the worst results for all indicators. In the comparison of the indicators by year, only the indicators RUF, CC and ICCD showed significant variations over the period.
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