Mcdonaldization in journalism, the spectacularization of the news


  • Thais de Mendonça Jorge UnB



The mcdonaldization concept is based on the homogeneity and velocity principles applied into a journalistic process, mainly the digital one. Its results are a kind of standardized, ‘pasteurized’, superficial texts, without depth; what we call ‘binary journalism’. ‘Binary journalism’ is the journalism reduced to its minimum essence, that is, a journalism made without listening to “the other side” and without checking. We have two hypotheses: 1) the mcdonaldization is a phenomenon that affects the journalism and the news themselves; and 2) binary journalism as a consequence leads to lesser quality products. Besides, we also argue that spectacularization is a resource that meets the conditions to be inserted in the news’ field , in digital (‘mcdonaldized’) journalism.

Author Biography

Thais de Mendonça Jorge, UnB

Doutora em Comunicação pela UnB, docente da Faculdade de Comunicação.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

