The long-term deliberation in mediated visibility space: the Bolsa-Familia program in print and TV media
This article has as objective to analyze some of the perspectives and framings that configured the mediated debate, between 2003 and 2006, concerning the Bolsa-Família Program in the central space of media visibility - conceived here as composed by the Jornal Nacional and the Folha de S. Paulo. We adopt, thus, the following analytical procedure: (i) identification of the main media framings encompassing different perspectives on specific issues; (ii) selection and analysis of the texts content in order to obtain the discursive main topics related to the identified framings; (iii) identification of the main discursive perspectives within the media framings by analyzing the news direct quotations; (iv) establish the type of relation (conflictive, complementary, monological, etc.) between the identified perspectives and framings. We explore the mediated debate by opposing two major framings concerning the Bolsa-Family Program: the dependence framing (arguments related to assistencialism, philanthropy and alms); and the autonomy framing (points of view on emancipation, citizenship and inclusion).Downloads
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