The complaint tabloidization the images of the campaign COLETA 2015


  • Tarcineide Mesquita Galdino Universidade Nova de Lisboa



This paper analyzes the images of the “COLETA 2015” campaign – fundraising action in favor of combating extreme poverty realized by the “TETO”, a nonprofit organization. When denouncing the socioeconomic reality of millions of Brazilians the campaign with the slogan “the problem it is not what is news but what stops being ultimately also report known phenomenon from the 1990s by tabloidization. This debate from context of Europe Western and of the United States it was studied by authors as Sparks (1998), Esser (1999), Turner (1999), Sparks and Tulloch (2000). One of the central subjects of this debate appears for the unbalance of the agenda contemporary media: persists a tendency of the media in general to dedicate a lot of attention to the aspects of the private life of the people, mainly celebrities, public characters as politicians, and per times, little to the aspects political, social and economical of cash it interests public, as the poverty, for instance. The accusation of the tabloidization, through the images “COLETA 2015” campaign and of the hashtag #quemliga in the social networks, it puts in cause the acting of the journalism in the democracy in terms of quality of the themes selected for the public debate.

Author Biography

Tarcineide Mesquita Galdino, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Doutoranda em Ciências da Comunicação, especialidade Estudo dos Media e do Jornalismo, na Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Bolsista Capes - Programa Doutorado Pleno no Exterior.

