Ephemeral journalism: the use of Instagram Stories by Folha de S.Paulo
The transformations arising from the new social morphology, mediated by technology, have brought significant changes in the ways of consuming and producing news. In the wake of mobility, social networks such as Instagram, with the Stories function, bring new light to the ideas of ephemerality and journalistic instantaneity. After reflecting on the emergence of the ephemeral in cyberjournalistic production, this article analyses the adaptation of journalistic content for Instagram Story through #nãodurmasemsaber, broadcasted daily by Folha de S.Paulo’s Instagram profile. Using both content analysis and simple observation, this article verifies how the news vehicle adapts to the native tool of the social network, checking characteristics of the production of this journalistic microformat considering the following aspects: volume and frequency; resources and expressive forms used. The conclusion shows that, in the case at hand, the exploration of the resources delivered by the microformat is still timid, although this microformat obeys, to a certain extent, the new logic of informational consumption, which also responds to a temporal dialectics of the present. In this way, it can be said that the format is part of the contemporary rationality that reflects ephemerality.
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