Essay on Wealth: the fortune on Nilson Lage's current classroom experience


  • Geder Luis Parzianello Universidade Federal do Pampa



Nilson Lage, Journalism, Theories


The present work is a critical reflection on the “teacher-subject” in his experience in the teaching of Theories of Journalism without, however, methodologically constituting itself as a case study. It retrieves the special relevance of Nilson Lage's writings to the work of training new generations of professionals from his own experience as a student and reconstitutes, through reflective and philosophical methodology, his perceptions in the teaching practice, regarding the contributions of this author. It proposes the appreciation of Lage's texts in the classroom for their subjective qualities, their worked themes, and their historical value, recognizing in them the richness of an ever-present thought. The article concludes with the role of Nilson Lage's systematized thinking in the direction of a Brazilian identity in the teaching of Journalism.

Author Biography

Geder Luis Parzianello, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Doutor em Comunicação Social pela PUCRS com pós-doutorado realizado na Universität Paderborn, Alemanha (Bolsa Capes 2012/2013). Mestre em Comunicação e Informação pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e Bacharel em Comunicação Social, Jornalismo pela PUCRS. Professor Associado Classe D Nível IV na Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA).


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