ChatGPT and the transformation in journalistic guidelines




Journalism, ChatGPT, Artificial Intelligence


In times of profusion of Artificial Intelligence systems, ChatGPT is highlighted and popularized in the most different functions and uses, including in the journalistic field. It is about ChatGPT and the transformations in the interfaces of journalistic agendas. It shows, discusses and discusses the importance of this system in the conceptions and corrections of the agenda, which is one of the main starting points in the making of professional journalism, so debated and necessary nowadays. It starts with concepts about Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, informational mediations and journalistic guidelines in a methodologically qualitative study, with experimentation of five months of tests on the making of guidelines with the tool. One can see the character, if not revolutionary, but innovative, mainly in the sense of the colder agendas and with already consolidated information. ChatGPT proves to be a tool, if not for constant use in Journalism, at least a way, as well as search engines and wiki systems, to aid in the day-to-day use of informational mediation tools.

Author Biography

Orlando Maurício de Carvalho Berti, Federal University of Piauí

Professor na Universidade Estadual do Piauí.


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