Productive Restructuring in Europe


  • Raquel Cardeira Varela Modern History Institute of the Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon
  • Luísa Barbosa Pereira Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon



In this article we analyze the composition of the labor force in Europe and its changes, focusing on the relationship between precariousness, unemployment and social security since the crisis of 1970 until today, with particular attention to the changes that took place since the crisis of 1970, including the crisis of 1981-1984 and the crisis of 2008. We focus on the composition of the internal and external labor force (migrations) and on the short and medium-term effects of focused social programs and their impact on the restructuring of the labor force, which questioned the social pact raised in Northern and Central Europe in the post war period and in Southern Europe after the Portuguese revolution and the Spanish transition in the 1970s. The sources of this work are quantitative (statistics from the European Commission, analysis of corporate annual reports, Eurostat and INE) and qualitative (a study of the changes in union policies, interviews and others).

Author Biographies

Raquel Cardeira Varela, Modern History Institute of the Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon

Raquel Varela (1978) é investigadora do Instituto de História Contemporânea da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, onde coordena o Grupo de Estudos do Trabalho e dos Conflitos Sociais e investigadora honorária do Instituto Internacional de História social, onde co-coordena com Marcel van der Linden e Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk o projecto internacional "In the Same Boat? Shipbuilding and ship repair workers around the World (1950-2010)".

Luísa Barbosa Pereira, Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon

Doutora em sociologia pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (2014) com doutorado sanduíche em história contemporânea na Universidade Nova de Lisboa e no International Institute of Social History (2014). Graduação e licenciatura plena em ciências sociais pela UFRJ (2008), mestrado em sociologia e antropologia pela UFRJ (2010) . Atualmente é docente em sociologia no Colégio Estadual João de Oliveira Botas e Colégio Municipal Paulo Freire (Armação dos Búzios-RJ), pesquisadora no International Institute of Social History, no Observatório para as Condições de Vida e Arquivo da Memória Operária do Rio de Janeiro. Autora de "Justa Causa Pro Patrão" (Multifoco, 2012) e "Navegar é preciso" (Multifoco, 2015). Tem experiência de pesquisa em história social. memória, trabalho, indústria naval, justiça, e, mais recentemente, educação e juventude.

