State, Education, and Human Rights
Over time, the issue of human rights has replaced the revolutionary utopia that founded modern society. After 1848, the issue of human rights has legitimized practices of violation of individual rights and, currently, it is possible to recognize its connection with the liberal legacy and bourgeois individualism, based on the protection of the individual’s rights isolated from their class. On the other hand, human rights have ensured minimum levels of – civil, political, social, cultural – achievement for specific groups. Within the debate on human rights, there are those who criticize its limits and present its conditions and those who defend a narrative against hegemonic human rights. This article seeks to explain and contribute to providing new elements to this debate through a literature review. Authors such as Azevedo (2001), Bertoldo and Jimenez (2015), Santos (2014), Tonet (2016), Dewey (1976), Bobbio (2001), and Trindade ([1998?]) are examined, in their discussion about the role of the state and education in the social context of an attempt to consolidate human rights in the 21st century.
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