Development, globalization and Third Sector. Environmental and gender non-lucrative organizations: Mexican experiences


  • Laura Margarita Elías Mortera ITESM - México - D.F




This paper provides an approach to research on civil organizations - non-profitable organizations – and their transnational role. The first section of the study discusses the concepts and some theoretical frameworks attempting to explain civil society, of asociacionism and transnational networks. The second section attempts to demonstrates how, in the context of globalization across the North-South divide and of the current model of development at international level, civil organizations become particularly relevant, generate revenue, create linkages with governments and their transnational peers. The third section presents the Mexican case, from a historical perspective, with a view to understanding the emergence of environmental and gender organizations. Finally, the last section presents and discusses three cases of civil organizations in Mexico as well as the networks formed by them, thus generating long-standing transnational linkages, which attempt to have a bearing upon political decisions and upon formation and capacitation of human resources.

Author Biography

Laura Margarita Elías Mortera, ITESM - México - D.F

Doctora en Ciencia Política y Sociología - Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset, España. Licenciada en Sociología por la UNAM (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México).

