Mental Health Policy in Espírito Santo State


  • Edinéia Figueira dos Anjos Oliveira SEMUS - Vitória - ES
  • Maria Lúcia Teixeira Garcia


The purpose of this article is to analyze mental health policy and its insertion in the planning and administration of municipalities in Espírito Santo State. It involves document research, particularly that of Municipal Health Plans from 2006-2009 and municipal Management Reports from 2005-2007. Fifty-nine of the 78 municipalities of the state were studied to identify the actions undertaken, as well as the funds provided for their enactment. The results of the data analysis indicate that mental health appears as an item on municipal agendas in the planning stages, but there is no guarantee that the actions proposed are undertaken, because the resources needed for their execution are often not provided.

Author Biography

Edinéia Figueira dos Anjos Oliveira, SEMUS - Vitória - ES

Possui graduação em Serviço Social pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (2001) e mestrado em Política Social pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (2009). Atualmente é Secretária Municipal de Saúde do município de Alfredo Chaves. Tem experiência na área de Serviço Social, com ênfase em Serviço Social, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: saúde mental, interdisciplinalidade, política de saúde, política social e suporte social.



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