New market actors: economic social movements and politicized consumers


  • Fátima Portilho Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro



This article presents reflections on new market actors, and economic social movements in particular - that is, those in which actors build a new culture of political action that seeks to reappropriate the economy through their own values. Some examples of this are the movements organized around “solidarity economics”, fair trade, geographic indications, “slow food” and consumer organization. This interface of social movements and the market may be the most marked, differentiated and polemic trait of contemporary political mobilizations. Nonetheless, beyond economic social movements, this article simultaneously emphasizes and problematizes political action within the sphere of individual consumption, that is, that which has been referred to as “political consumption”. Keywords: economic social movements, consumer movements, political consumption.

Author Biography

Fátima Portilho, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro

Doutora em Ciências Sociais. Professora do CPDA da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro. Grupo de Pesquisa Sociedades e Culturas de Consumo. Núcleo de Pesquisa Mercados, Redes e Valores.





Thematic Dossier