A Conservative Revolution of the Intellectuals (Brazil/2002-2016)


  • Lidiane Soares Rodrigues UFSCar




Since 2002, a market of reactions to PT’s presidential administrations has been established, through the conventional media merged with the ultra-contemporary and the social production of hybrid intellectuals: they are journalists-teachers and teachers- journalists. This article addresses the dynamics of the exchanges established among the agents in this market. The focus will be on Olavo de Carvalho; Demétrio Magnoli; Marco Antonio Villa; Reinaldo Azevedo; Luiz Felipe Pondé; Rodrigo Constantino; Leandro Karnal. The analysis will be developed in three movements: it will present the classifications, the frameworks and some demands that they have received from opponents, contractors and clients. In order to characterize the principle that generates its political and cultural positions, the article will then carry out the sociogenesis of space and agents resulting from the structuring of the national education and research system as well as the cultural industry since the 1970s . Finally, it will discuss the sociological framework adopted.

Author Biography

Lidiane Soares Rodrigues, UFSCar

Doutora em História Social pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP), professora adjunto do Departamento de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (DCSo/UFSCar). Este trabalho apresenta resultados iniciais de projeto financiado pelo CNPq Universal/Fevereiro, 2016 (Processo 401043/2016-9). Agradeço à agência por esse benefício, a Dimitri Pinheiro, pelas finas sugestões, e a meus alunos de graduação em ciências sociais, que se aventuraram nessa pesquisa em 2016.





Thematic Dossier