The science and policy coproduction in brazilian marine biodiversity management: the endangered species sustainable management controversy


  • Andreza Martins UFSC
  • Julia Silvia Guivant UFSC



The threatened species sustainable use is at the center of international technoscientific controversies that discuss the role of science in guiding marine conservation policies. In Brazil, these controversies had an impact on institutional disputes over the best way to measure, evaluate and manage fishery resources. The disputes permeated political negotiations to reverse fishing bans on dozens of species included in the National List of Endangered Species. From Social Studies of Science perspective, we discussed the expert knowledge influence in the political negotiations involved in the case. Analyzing arguments from the measure critics and supporters, we understand that in Brazil scientific uncertainties about aquatic fauna conservation status result in divergent public management practices acting on the same spaces and resources. Such practices combine competing views on how public administration should deal with scientific uncertainty and coproduce policies for managing marine biodiversity.

Author Biographies

Andreza Martins, UFSC

Pesquisadora pós-doc. do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (PPGSP/UFSC), Brasil, e integrante do Instituto de Pesquisa em Risco e Sustentabilidade da UFSC (IRIS/UFSC).

Julia Silvia Guivant, UFSC

Professora titular do PPGSP/UFSC, membro do conselho deliberativo da Associação Brasileira de Estudos Sociais das Ciências e das Tecnologias (ESOCITE-BR), biênio 2019-2020, e coordenadora do IRIS/UFSC


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