Republicanism and christianity: dilemms of a problematic relationship


  • Gleyton Trindade Universidade Federal de Alfenas (MG)
  • Sandro Cerveira Universidade Federal de Alfenas (MG)



Authors such as Pocock, Skinner and Pettit have revalued republicanism as a fundamental political tradition in the constitution of the modern world in contrast to the hegemony of the liberal tradition. This paper aims to analyze what has been characterized as a most problematic and challenging relationship for Republicans: the relationship between republicanism and Christianity. Taking as its thread the analysis of the debate between Black and Nederman, we argue that the difficulty in analyzing the relationship between republicanism and Christianity derives from the very difficulties of the neo-republican project in delimiting republicanism as a specific political tradition. Overcoming such dilemmas would involve a better qualification of the republican tradition including the themes of the political community as a "universal community", a non-instrumental conception of public life, and the recognition that the conception of liberty as non-domination implies that republican institutions promote certain values.

Author Biographies

Gleyton Trindade, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (MG)

Doutor em Ciência Política pela UFMG e Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal de Alfenas (MG).

Sandro Cerveira, Universidade Federal de Alfenas (MG)

Doutor em Ciência Política pela UFMG e Professor Adjunto de Ciência Política da Unifal (MG)


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