Trabalho docente no Instituto Federal de São Paulo no contexto da Pandemia de Covid-19


  • Universidade de Taubaté (UNITAU)



In this paper we present an analysis of the organization and conditions of teaching work at the Federal Institute of São Paulo during the first moment of the Covid-19 pandemic (March-July 2020). For that, we used the data collected through a questionnaire and systematized in the research report on the work at IFSP, produced by SINASEFE-SP. We observed that even before the resumption of the school calendar by the institution, the teachers already signaled that they did not have the appropriate conditions for carrying out their work; that instruments and ergonomics were missing; that the pandemic caused a confusion between professional and domestic activities; that intensified and extended the work; and that has caused psychological suffering. Women were most affected by this process. The data reveal that the working conditions of teachers in the context of the pandemic are very precarious, which has affected the quality of work and teaching, demonstrating the limits of remote work.


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