Quod Tibi Fieri Non Vis, Alteri ne Feceris: A Crítica de Habermas à Regra de Ouro
The text presents Habermas’ analysis and criticism of the role that the Golden Rule plays in Hobbes’s system. According to Habermas, the golden rule suggests the kind of arguments that Hobbes would need to deduce the natural laws, which Hobbes intends to draw only from the interested perspective of the rational selfish ego. Next, the paper presents the same criticism to Rawls, but this time based on the analysis of the strategy of the original position. The paper concludes that the contractualist strategy of both thinkers import a cognitive deficit in the sense of being unable to account for the principles of justice based on equality and freedom, that is, on the impartial point of view that would serve the interest of all.
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