Formal inferences and their relationships to knowledge acquisition: mental models and semantic links




The mental model theory is an approach with clear psychological, linguistic, and cognitive consequences. This paper delves into some of the epistemological conclusions that can be drawn from it. In particular, it addresses the process why knowledge acquisition can modify the inferences people tend to make. That process is described by means of an example based on a well-known logical schema related to the conditional: Modus Tollendo Tollens.

Biografia do Autor

Miguel López Astorga, Universidad de Talca / Talca University

Académico del Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos "Juan Ignacio Molina" de la Universidad de Talca

Director de Universum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales

Leyla Danae Torres-Bravo, Universidad de Talca

Lecturer at the Institute of Humanistic Studies "Juan Ignacio Molina," University of Talca


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