
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The authors confirm that they have read and that they agree with all the journal's guidelines.
  • The authors confirm that all ethical aspects of current legislation were met in the article.
  • The authors confirm that the entire content of the article is original and not plagiarism (total or partial).
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in the journal's guidelines.
  • Files for submission are in Microsoft Word format. With the exception of supplementary files (if any) which are in PDF format.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.

Author Guidelines


The Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano -  Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance is a journal dedicated to Physical Education, Kinesiology, Sport and related areas. The focus of the journal is on Human Movement. The submissions are reviewed by an international panel of peer reviewers, with emphasis is on measurement of people in their morphological and functional dimensions and investigation of the factors that determine physical performance. The journal's multidisciplinary character means that these areas of study are explored in a variety of contexts and described in interaction with social, behavioral, health-related and environmental factors.

The journal publishes Original Articles as well as relevant Review and Point of View articles written in English.  Articles should be submitted in English only.


General principles

The Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano -  Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance follows the guidelines of ethics and transparency for scientific publication contained in the “SciELO Guidelines to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication” and the “Principles of Transparency and Good Practices in Academic Publications” documents, published the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). Documents can be accessed in full at and -na-Publicacao-Cientifica.pdf

Approval by Ethics Research Committee (CEP)

All articles submitted to the journal must have followed the research ethics recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki and rules contained in Resolutions No. 466/2012 and No. 510/2016 of the National Health Council of Brazil (in case of studies carried out in Brazil). For studies developed in other countries, the ethics recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki must be met and approval by an institutional Research Ethics Committee must be obtained. Approval by a Research Ethics Committee (CEP) is not required for studies that analyze aggregated data and without identifying people, such as those available in official public domain databases, literature review articles and points of view.

Registration of clinical trials

The Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano -  Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance supports the policies of the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for registration of clinical trials, recognizing the importance of these initiatives for the registration and international dissemination of information in open access. For this reason, only clinical research articles that have received an identification number in one of the clinical trial registrations validated by criteria established by WHO and ICMJE, whose addresses are available at the ICMJE website, are accepted for publication. The identification/approval number must be registered in the method section of the article.

Entities that register clinical trials according to ICMJE criteria are:

  • Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR);
  • International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN);
  • Nederland’s Trial Register (NTR);
  • UMIN Clinical Trials Registry (UMIN-CTR);
  • WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP).


The Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano -  Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance accepts the submission of manuscripts-preprints, that is, which are deposited in a preprint server.

When submitting the article to the journal, the authors must inform whether the article is a preprint. If the article is a preprint, the authors must inform the name of the preprint server and the DOI of the article on the preprint server.

Some examples of official manuscript-preprint servers are:

SciELO preprints:


Data sharing

The journal encourages authors to make publicly available raw data from their studies and routines used in data analysis.

Reports of randomized controlled trials and any other type of intervention study will only be considered for publication if the authors commit to make available the relevant data of participants (without individual identification), in open access or individually, in response to the request.

Open Peer Review

The journal offers the authors of manuscripts the option of opening in peer review. When submitting the article, the authors will be able to choose the opening in peer review. In this process, the authors may choose to publish the reviewers' opinions when the manuscript is approved/published. In addition, the authors may choose to directly interact with reviewers during the evaluation process.

In the process of opening in peer reviews, manuscript reviewers will be consulted if: 1) they want to make their names public to authors; 2) they want to make their names public when the manuscript is approved/published; 3) they want to directly interact with the authors during the evaluation process; 4) they want to publish their opinions when the manuscript is approved/published.

Only with the agreement of both parties (authors and reviewers), the reviewers’ names will be published along with the paper. Only with the agreement of both parties (authors and reviewers), the evaluation opinions will be published together with the paper. Only with the agreement of both parties (authors and reviewers), direct interaction between authors and reviewers will be carried out.


Our editorial policy strongly encourages research integrity, respect of human rights, and respect of personal data and generally we support ethics in both research conduct and scientific communication.

Undeclared financial conflicts may seriously undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors and the science itself. The most obvious conflicts of interest are financial relationships such as: employment, stock ownership, grants, patents. Conflicts can also exist as a result of personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion. All authors are requested to disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest including any financial, personal or other relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence or be perceived to influence, their work.

Research misconduct according to National Institutes of Health - NIH ( policies and procedures for promoting scientific integrity and to American Psychological Association (, among others, is defined as:

  • Fabrication (making up data or results)
  • Falsification (manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record).
  • Plagiarism (appropriating another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit).

Ethics is given the highest priority so all activities in conducting research must comply with ethical principles and relevant national and international legislation. The most common ethical issue usually include: the protection of children, patients and other vulnerable populations, privacy and data protection. We encourage publishing of research results of study in which all research participants have signed informed consent and have been given full information of possible effects of research intervention.

When reporting research involving human data, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed have been assessed by the responsible review committee (institutional and national), or if no formal ethics committee is available, were in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration as revised in 2013. All articles submitted to the journal must have followed the research ethics recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki and rules contained in Resolutions No. 466/2012 and No. 510/2016 of the National Health Council of Brazil (in case of studies carried out in Brazil). For studies developed in other countries, the ethics recommendations of the Declaration of Helsinki must be met and approval by an institutional Research Ethics Committee must be obtained. Approval by a Research Ethics Committee (CEP) is not required for studies that analyze aggregated data and without identifying people, such as those available in official public domain databases, literature review articles and points of view.

In the method section of the article that employed human or animal samples, authors should add information about approval of the research protocol in Institutional Ethics Committee. In addition, the approval protocol number is also added.


The journal will not include papers based on work that involves unnecessary pain, distress, suffering or lasting harm. Manuscripts describing research involving live animals must include appropriate details, in the methods section, of animals used, housing and feeding, experimental design, experimental procedures, ethical considerations, and licenses and approvals under which the work was carried out.

In preparation of manuscripts describing work on live animals, authors should use the ARRIVE guidelines as a checklist. These guidelines are available at:

Evaluation of Articles/Peer Review Process

To be published, a manuscript has to be approved in all three steps:

Preliminary Analysis

Manuscripts will only be forwarded to reviewers after approved in a preliminary analysis by the editorial board, in which the following will be observed: compatibility with the scope and editorial policy of the journal, article format and their potential for publication.

Peer Review

The journal adopts the double blind review process.

The editorial policy of the journal pursues the multi-disciplinary aims and nature of kinanthropometry in both its morphological and functional aspects as well as the conditioning factors of physical performance. This means that the main goal is to promote high standards of scientific research study and scholarship with regard to various human oriented scientific fields that cover art and science of human movement from most variable aspects. The research issues include a paramount variety of human responses to exercise and sport training programmes, research in kinanthropometry and training, issues of selection, teaching/learning and mastering of motor skills, performance analysis and prediction, performance modification and many others relevant to the scientific study of human performance. Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two reviewers, and anonymity is guaranteed during evaluation. Reviewers will make specific and general comments regarding the scientific merit of the work and will decide whether it should be approved, refused or approved with corrections (this indication does not guarantee publication). The article with corrections will undergo a new evaluation process.

Reviewers send their opinions to the Scientific Editor, who will send a response to the responsible author, via email/journal system. Editors, in possession of the Reviewers' analyses, will make the final decision. In case of discrepancies between reviewers, the opinion of a new Reviewer may be requested.

During the peer review process, there may be opening in peer review. Opening in peer review will only exist if there is agreement between authors and reviewers. Under no circumstances will there be opening in peer review without agreement of both parties (authors and reviewers). If both parties (authors and reviewers) agree with the opening in peer review, such opening may include all or some of these requirements, as agreed by both parties: 1) make reviewers’ names public to the authors, and vice versa; 2) make reviewers’ names public when the manuscript is approved/published; 3) direct interaction between authors and reviewers; 4) publish reviewers' opinions when the manuscript is approved/published.

Writing / Styling

Technical writing and compliance to the Journal's style complete the review process.

If necessary, the Editorial Board will be involved in investigations on any ethical and legal issues and will communicate with the author (s) in case of: complaints of plagiarism, multiple, duplicate, simultaneous and competing publications, misappropriation of research results, violations of research standards, undisclosed conflicts of interest, allegations of research errors. If these issues are not resolved, the Editorial Board will refuse such manuscripts. When investigating research misconduct, the Editorial Board will provide maximum safeguards for informants, who must act in good faith and the authors will be given an opportunity to respond to the allegations and reasonable access to data and other evidence to support allegations.

The Editorial Board will also deal with suspicious ‘salami’ publications. The final decision on acceptable similarity with previous publications is made by the Editorial Board and will depend on the quantity and relevance of duplicated data. Before making the decision, the Editorial Board will contact the author (s) for clarification.

The Editorial Board will communicate with manuscript reviewers throughout the peer review process.

The Editorial Board will guarantee confidentiality and impartiality of evaluations.

The Editorial Board will inform reviewers about the final decision regarding the manuscripts.

The Journal adopts iThenticate system for identifying plagiarism.

The manuscript and all supplementary documents must be submitted online at

Submission fee and article evaluation

There are no submission and article evaluation fees.

For approved articles

After accepted, the article is sent for publishing. All costs with the publishing process are the responsibility of the authors. These costs vary according to what companies that provide service for the journal charge. After accepting the article, the authors are informed of the costs with the publishing process. There are no discounts for any author and/or institution. Currently, this cost is R$ 1,000.00 (one thousand reais - Brazilian currency) per article - or US$ 300.00 (three hundred American dollar - for foreign authors) per article.


Articles should be submitted in English only. Articles submitted in other languages will not be accepted. Each article should have, in addition to an abstract in the English language, an abstract with keywords in the Portuguese language. The editorial board of the journal will contact the authors for procedures after the article is accepted. Articles must be presented in a way that any interested researcher can reproduce the results. For this, we encourage the use of the following recommendations, according to the category of manuscript submitted:

Details on the items required to present the manuscript will be described later.

Sections of Published Articles

Articles are accepted in the following categories: Original Scientific Articles; Review/Update Articles; and Points of view. All articles submitted to these categories must meet the aim and editorial policy of the journal.

Original Articles

This section is dedicated to original researches, whose results are relevant and can be reproduced and/or generalized. Articles should be arranged as follows - title, authors, authors' affiliation accompanied by ORCID numbers (, abstract (in English language), abstract (in Portuguese language), introduction, method, results, discussion, conclusions and references.

Additional information for original articles:

  • Articles should have a maximum of 2,500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures and references).
  • Tables and figures, limited to a maximum of 5, should include only essential information. Figures should not display the same information as in Tables.
  • Abstract should have a maximum of 250 words in each language. The abstract (in English and Portuguese) must have been accompanied by 3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords, separated by semicolons and in alphabetical order. Keywords must be indexed in DECS (descriptors in health science -
  • References, limited to a maximum of 30, should include only those strictly applicable and relevant to the subject of interest. An excess number of references in one citation should be avoided. Citation to unpublished documents or not indexed in the scientific literature (homepage, theses, books, reports and others) should be avoided and together, should not account for more than 15% of the references.
  • The number of authors should not exceed 9 (nine).

Review Articles/Update articles

Narrative review articles, systematic reviews, or meta-analyses are accepted. No integrative review articles are accepted.

Systematic review and meta-analysis articles are preferred in this section. Through the synthesis of results from original quantitative or qualitative studies, it aims to answer the specific and relevant question for the area of ​​the journal scope. Describe in detail the search process of original studies, the criteria used to select those that were included in the review and the procedures used in the synthesis of the results obtained by reviewed studies. Please see:

The narrative review is intended for the critical and systematized evaluation of the literature and should contain: title, authors, authors' affiliation accompanied by ORCID numbers (, abstract (in English language), abstract (in Portuguese language), introduction (including procedures adopted, delimitation and limitation of the theme), development, final comments and references.

Additional information for all review articles

  • Articles should have a maximum of 3,500 words (excluding abstract, tables, figures and references).
  • Tables and figures, limited to a maximum of 4, should include only essential information. Figures should not display the same information as in Tables.
  • Abstract should have a maximum of 250 words in each language. The abstract (in English and Portuguese) must have been accompanied by 3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords, separated by semicolons and in alphabetical order. Keywords must be indexed in DECS (descriptors in health science -
  • References, limited to a maximum of 40, should include only those strictly applicable and relevant to the subject of interest. An excess number of references in one citation should be avoided. Citation to unpublished documents or not indexed in the scientific literature (homepage, theses, books, reports and others) should be avoided.
  • The number of authors for narrative review should not exceed 4 (four).
  • The number of authors for systematic reviews and meta-analyses is limited to 9 (nine).

Point-of-view Articles

This section is reserved for the expression of opinions on subjects that illustrate either uncommon situations or contradictory issues and deserve a better understanding and attention by professionals working in Physical Education, Sports and related areas. These papers should include - title, authors, authors' affiliation accompanied by ORCID numbers (, abstract (in English language), abstract (in Portuguese language), Introduction, Discussion topics, Final comments, and References.

Additional information for point-of-view articles:

  • Articles should have a maximum of 2,000 words, excluding abstracts.
  • Tables and figures, limited to a maximum of 2, should include only essential information. Figures should not display the same information as in Tables.
  • Abstract should have a maximum of 200 words in each language. The abstract (in English and Portuguese) must have been accompanied by 3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords, separated by semicolons and in alphabetical order. Keywords must be indexed in DECS (descriptors in health science -
  • References, limited to a maximum of 15, should include only those strictly applicable and relevant to the subject of interest. An excess number of references in one citation should be avoided. Citation to unpublished documents or not indexed in the scientific literature (homepage, theses, books, reports and others) should be avoided.
  • The number of authors should not exceed 3 (three).

Manuscript Format

Articles should be formatted to be printed on A4 paper (210 x 297 mm) in a single text column with 2.0 cm margins, 1.5 line spacing and Arial font, 12 point type. Each page should contain the page number in the upper right-hand corner starting with the first page as page 1.

Tables, boxes and Figures

Tables and Figures should be inserted at their appropriate positions in the text together with their titles and should be formatted to be presented within a width of 8 or 17 cm.

Figure legends should be inserted below the figure, whereas the titles of tables should precede them and should conform to the example below.

Table 1. Kinanthropometric characteristics of adult male and female elite swimmers.

Figure 1. Distribution of fat percentage between control and experimental group.

Figures should be sent in: Power Point, Excel or Word - avoiding the sending of pictures and graphics in jpg, gif, png, etc.. If not possible, send pictures and graphics in PDF and EPS.

Article Structure

First Page

  1. Manuscript category;
  2. Title in English and Portuguese (Do not use abbreviations);
  3. Short title in English (Do not use abbreviations);
  4. Full name of all authors, authors' affiliation accompanied by ORCID numbers ( No acronyms are allowed in the name of institutions;
  5. The name of the Ethics Committee granting approval, the Institution to which it is affiliated, and the number of the approval protocol/hearing;
  6. Full name and address, including e-mail, of the author responsible for the article;
  7. Electronic word count (excluding the abstract, tables/figures and references);
  8. The authors may indicate up to three members of the Review Board who they would like to analyze the article and, additionally, three members they would not like to be involved [optional].

Second Page


Abstracts are descriptive, but must implicitly contain introduction, aim, method, results, and conclusions. Therefore, it is not necessary to write the terms "Introduction", "Aim", "Methods", "Results" and "Conclusions" in the abstract. References should not be included. The abstract (in English and Portuguese) should be written in a single paragraph, and must have been accompanied by 3 (three) to 5 (five) keywords, separated by semicolons and in alphabetical order. Keywords must be indexed in DECS (descriptors in health science -

Main text

After the abstract, a new page should be placed the main text of the article. Visit the specifications for each article category, in which you will find the necessary sections.


References should be numbered and presented following the order of inclusion in the text in the Vancouver style ( The abbreviations of journals must be in compliance with the Medicus / Medline Index - in the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus publication, or through the website Only indexed journals (ex. Index Medicus) should be cited. Reference numbers should be in superscript and separated by commas with no spaces (Example: Studies2,8,26 indicate that...; Silva et al.6,7,10). If more than two references are cited in sequence, only the first and last should be given, separated by a hyphen (Example:5-8). Citations of books, abstracts and home pages should be avoided.

Below are some examples of the most common types of references.

Whole books

Malina RM, Bouchard C. Growth, maturation and physical activity. Champaign: Human Kinetics; 1991.

Chapters of Books

Petroski EL. Cineantropometria: caminhos metodológicos no Brasil. In: Ferreira Neto A, Goellner SV, Bracht V, organizadores. As ciências do esporte no Brasil. Campinas: Ed. Autores Associados; 1995. p. 81-101.


Yonamine RS. Desenvolvimento e validação de modelos matemáticos para estimar a massa corporal de meninos de 12 a 14 anos, por densitometria e impedância bioelétrica. [Doctoral Thesis – Graduate Program of Human Movement Science]. Santa Maria (RS): Federal University of Santa Maria; 2000.

Journal Articles (up to six authors)

Silva SP, Maia JAR. Morphological classification of female volleyball players in training levels. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 2003;5(2):61-68.

Journal Articles (more than six authors)

Maia JAR, Silva CARA, Freitas DL, Beunen G, Lefevre J, Claessens A, et al. Modeling the stability of the somatotype in children and young people aged 10 to 16 years old from the Madeira growth study – Portugal. Rev Bras Cineantropom Desempenho Hum 2004;6(1):36-45.

Electronic Documents

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Center for Health Statistics/CDC [Internet]. CDC growth charts: United States. 2002; Available from: <> [2007 jul 03].


Acknowledgements to persons who contributed in some way to the study, but who do not meet the requirements to be considered authors, should be placed after the references, with their permission. Financial, material and other support can also be acknowledged here.


Authors should describe (if any) the sources and funding agencies of the research indicating the number of the funding process. If there is no funding for the research, authors should write the following sentence at the time of submission: This study received no external financial support and was funded by the authors. 

Ethical aspects

Original articles that used a human or animal sample will only be published if they have been approved by an Institutional Ethics Board and they need respect the research ethics standards of the Declaration of Helsinki. In this topic, authors should write the following sentence: Ethical approval was obtained from the Institutional Ethics Board [Insert the name of the University or Institute that approved the study protocol], and the protocol was written in accordance with the standards established by the Declaration of Helsinki.

Competing interests

Authors should report if there is any conflict of interest with the research and data presented. If there is no conflict of interests to declare, authors should write the following sentence: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors ‘contributions

Authors should report the contribution of each one to the article. Only the person who contributed substantially to the planning and/or development and/or writing and/or critical and theoretical analysis for the object presented is considered as the author of the article. All authors must have read and approved the final version of the manuscript. Authors should write the following sentence, at the time of submission, on this topic: Conception and design of the experiment: [Add the initials of the authors who did this step]. Realization of the experiments: [Add the initials of the name of the authors who did this step]. Data analysis [Add the initials of the name of the authors who did this step]. Contribution with reagents/research materials/analysis tools: [Add initials of the name of authors who did this step]. Article Writing: [Add the initials of the name of the authors who did this step]. All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.

Supplementary material

Supplementary Information is peer-reviewed material directly relevant to the conclusion of a paper that cannot be included in the printed version for reasons of space or medium (for example, video clips or sound files). Supplementary material is not subedited so authors should ensure that it is clearly and succinctly presented, and that the style of terms conforms with the rest of the paper. Supplementary material to an article accepted for publication will be published in an online, open-access repository. The supplementary material will not undergo editing/layout, so it will be published in the same way as the authors submitted. A web link that will allow access to supplementary material will be added to the article after the article is accepted for publication.

It is recommended that all supplementary materials be combined into a single PDF file and submitted in the journal's system at the time the article is submitted. It is understood as supplementary material the following files:

  • Supplementary Methods
  • Supplementary Table(s)
  • Supplementary Discussion
  • Supplementary Equation(s)
  • Supplementary Notes (including notes clarifying statistical analyses, acknowledgements, grant or other numbers)

Some types of supplementary material are either best presented in editable format or cannot be presented as PDF for technical reasons: videos, audios, databases, etc. In this case, authors must submit these files in their original formats at the time of article submission in the journal's submission system. 


Submission process

Articles must be accompanied by statements A, B, C, D, E. The manuscript and all statements must be submitted online at

Journal Address

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Centro de Desportos


Núcleo de Pesquisa em Cineantropometria e Desempenho Humano

Campus Universitário - Trindade

Caixa Postal, 476 CEP 88010-970

Florianópolis - SC, Brazil




A) Cover letter (a letter for the article with name and signature of all authors)

City, _ [day] __ of Month of Year.

Dear Editor, Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance,

We submit to your appreciation the work "____________ [title] _____________", which fits into the areas of interest of RBCDH. The journal was chosen [justify the choice of the journal for the publication of the manuscript].

Author 1 participated in the "conception, planning, analysis, interpretation and writing of the work"; and, author 2 participated in the "interpretation and writing of the work". Both authors approved the final version forwarded.

The work is being submitted exclusively to RBCDH. The authors do not have conflicts of interest to the present work. (If there is conflict, specify).

full name of author 1 + signature

full name of author 2 + signature

B) Declaration of responsibility (one declaration per article, which must contain the name and signature of each author)

I, (full name), certify that I participated in the authorship of the manuscript titled (title) in the following terms:

"I certify that I participated sufficiently in the work to make public my responsibility for its content".

"I certify that the manuscript represents an original work and that neither this manuscript, in part or in full, nor other work with substantially similar content of my own, has been published or is being considered for publication in another journal, whether in print or electronic, except as described in the annex".

"I certify that, if requested, I will provide or fully cooperate in obtaining and providing data on which the manuscript is based, for review by the editors".

Contribution: _______________________________________________________________

_________________________                           ___________________
Place, date                                                                Signature

C) Declaration of responsibility for acknowledgments (one declaration per article, with the name and signature of all authors)

I, (full name of the author responsible for the submission), author of the manuscript entitled (full title of the article):

I certify that all persons who have contributed substantially to the performance of this manuscript but have not met the criteria for authorship are nominated with their specific contributions in Acknowledgments in the manuscript.

I certify that all persons named in the Acknowledgments have given their written permission.


_____/_____/_______                             _________________________________
DATE                                                         FULL NAME AND SIGNATURE

D) Declaration of transfer of copyright (one declaration per article, with the name and signature of all authors)

I agree that the copyright for the manuscript [TITLE], approved for publication in the Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance (On-line ISSN 1980-0037 Print ISSN 1415-8462), shall be the exclusive property of the Federal University of Santa Catarina, which may be reproduced, in whole or in part, in any other media, printed or electronic, provided that the source is mentioned, giving the due credits to the Brazilian Journal of Kinanthropometry and Human Performance.

_______________________                              ______________________________
Place, date                                                            COMPLETE NAME + Signature

_______________________                              ______________________________
Place, date                                                            COMPLETE NAME + Signature

E) Declaration on Compliance with Open Science (one declaration per article with the name and signature of all authors)

Through this form, the authors of the article ______ [Title of the article] _____ inform the journal about the compliance of the manuscript with the communication practices of Open Science.



Deposit of the manuscript on a preprint server recognized by the journal.

Is the manuscript a preprint?

(   ) Yes - Preprints server name: _____________

                Preprint DOI: ______________

(   ) No

Availability of Research Data and Other Materials

Authors are encouraged to make available all content (data, program codes and other materials) underlying the manuscript text previously to or at the time of publication. Exceptions are allowed in cases of legal and ethical issues. The objective is to facilitate the evaluation of the manuscript and, if approved, to contribute to the preservation and reuse of the contents and research reproducibility.

Do the authors inform if the contents underlying the manuscript text are already available in their entirety and without restrictions or will they be at the time of publication?

( ) Yes, the contents underlying the manuscript text are contained in the manuscript.

(  ) Yes, the contents are already available - Titles and respective URLs, access numbers or DOI of content files underlying the manuscript text are available (use one line for each data): Title: ____________; URL (or DOI): _____________

(  ) Yes, contents will be available at the time of publication

(  ) No. Data are available upon demand from the reviewers

(  ) No. After publication, data will be available upon demand from the authors.

( ) No. Data cannot be made publicly available. Justify: __________________

Open peer review

Authors may choose one or more means of opening of peer review process offered by the journal.

When the option is offered, do the authors agree with the publication of the manuscript's approval evaluation opinions?

(  ) Yes

(  ) No

When the option is offered, do the authors agree to directly interact with referees responsible for evaluating the manuscript?

 (  ) Yes

 (  ) No


__________________                                    __________________________

Place, date                                                      FULL NAME + Signature

_________________                                       ___________________________

Place, date                                                       FULL NAME + Signature

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and are not available for other purposes or to third parties.