Prevalence of overweight, obesity and hypertension in adolescents attending an art school.


  • Patricia Torres Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.
  • Jorgelina Linares Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.
  • Natalia Bonzi Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.
  • Maria Elena Giuliano Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.
  • Laura Sanziani Instituto de Cardiología-Hospital Italiano Garibaldi de Rosario. Argentina.
  • Stella Maris Pezzotto Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Rosario. Argentina.
  • Marta Bravo Luna Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones. Rosario, Argentina.



A cross-sectional analytical study involving the population of adolescent students attending the Nigelia Soria Public School and Art Institute (n=213, 24% boys, 76% girls) in the two career paths (non-physical: visual arts and music, and physical artistic activities: dance) was conducted. Anthropometric variables, blood pressure (systolic, SBP, and diastolic, DBP), and heart rate were measured. A semi-structured questionnaire collecting personal data regarding non-communicable chronic diseases, trauma, menstrual cycle, non-school physical activity, inactivity, and sleep duration was administered. The participation rate was 70%. In boys (age 15.6±1.8 years), the prevalence rates of low weight, eutrophy, overweight, and obesity were 0%, 87.5%, 12.5% and 0%, respectively. In girls (age 15.5±1.7 years), these rates were 1.1%, 86%, 8.6%, and 4.3%. Body mass index was significantly associated with waist circumference and brachial circumference in both genders (p<0.001). In the overweight/obesity group, two students were diagnosed with isolated systolic hypertension (SBP 90th percentile). A eutrophic male student with SBP/DBP 90th percentile was confirmed as borderline by 24-h blood pressure measurement. In the group of overweight/obese girls, two students were identified with isolated SBP 90th percentile, one with isolated DBP 90th percentile, and two with SBP/DBP 90th percentile. The nutritional status of students is satisfactory, with a high proportion of young healthy adolescents of both genders. However, the implementation of this protocol permitted to identify adolescents with high blood pressure, overweight, and obesity. These factors may pose a health risk considering the school activity of these students.

Author Biographies

Patricia Torres, Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.

Jorgelina Linares, Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.

Natalia Bonzi, Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.

Maria Elena Giuliano, Escuela Secundaria y de Arte N° 4 Nigelia Soria. Rosario. Argentina.

Laura Sanziani, Instituto de Cardiología-Hospital Italiano Garibaldi de Rosario. Argentina.

Stella Maris Pezzotto, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Rosario. Argentina.

Marta Bravo Luna, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Consejo de Investigaciones. Rosario, Argentina.





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