The work of physical education professionals in Family Health Support Centers (NASF): a national survey


  • Sueyla Ferreira da Silva dos Santos Federal University of Amazonas
  • Tânia Rosane Bertoldo Benedetti Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Tiago Francelino Medeiros Military Police of the State of Santa Catarina
  • Cintia de la Rocha Freitas Federal University of Santa Catarina
  • Thiago Ferreira e Sousa Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro
  • José Luiz Riani Costa “Julio de Mesquita Filho” University of the State of São Paulo



This is a descriptive and quantitative national survey aimed at presenting Health Education practices (HE) developed by Physical Education professionals working at NASF in Brazil. Overall, 296 professionals participated in this study, stratified by Brazilian regions and NASF groupings. Electronic interviews were conducted regarding the activities developed at the unity where each NASF professional worked. The main activities reported were gymnastics (40.1%), and walking (29.4%), having as their priority public elderly people (68.8%), groups of hypertensive and diabetic patients (30.9%) and young people (48.3%), respectively. The most discussed topics in lectures and orientations was the importance of physical activity (51.4%) and the second most cited was the prevention/treatment of comorbities (32.3%). The community spaces most utilized by Physical Education professionals to develop activities were: public squares, community centers and schools in the southeastern and southern regions of Brazil, and religious entities in the northeastern and Midwestern regions. In conclusion, in spite of the diversity of activities developed in different regions of Brazil, there is predominance of traditional Physical Education contents, which reflect the need of permanent education of such professionals to improve the quality of services offered to the community.  

Author Biographies

Sueyla Ferreira da Silva dos Santos, Federal University of Amazonas

Federal University of Amazonas

Tânia Rosane Bertoldo Benedetti, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Federal University of Santa Catarina

Tiago Francelino Medeiros, Military Police of the State of Santa Catarina

Military Police of the State of Santa Catarina

Cintia de la Rocha Freitas, Federal University of Santa Catarina

Federal University of Santa Catarina

Thiago Ferreira e Sousa, Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro

Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro

José Luiz Riani Costa, “Julio de Mesquita Filho” University of the State of São Paulo

“Julio de Mesquita Filho” University of the State of São Paulo






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