Analysis of body weight of adults by different indirect methods




Anthropometry is considered a widely applicable and effective method to track adiposity. Among the current methods of anthropometric analysis are the Body Mass Index (BMI) and the Waist Hip Index (ICQ) are utilized. However, both presents limitations because they fail to estimate the adiposity. In this sense, recently the Body Adiposity Index (IAC) emerged as an important tool in the adipose mass evaluation of large populations. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate adults aged between 18 and 50 years through BMI, IAC and ICQ and to analyze the agreement degree between the methods. A total of 2602 individuals were analyzed, of which 1457 were women and 1145 men. After analyzing the data, it was verified that the majority of the population are within the standards of men was classified as not overweight only for ICQ and women for BMI and ICQ. In contrast the population of men is classified as healthy only for ICQ and women for BMI and ICQ. Concerning the agreement between the methods, only a positive and significant agreement between BMI and IAC was observed. Therefore, it can be concluded that IAC is an alternative for assessing body composition, showing a good method to estimate the percentage of total body fat of men and women, thus increasing the possibilities of diagnosis of obesity and overweight.


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