Is the rating of perceived exertion planned by the personal trainer similar to subject’s perception? A pilot study




The present study aimed to compare the intensity planned by the Personal Trainers (PTs) with that perceived by subjects in resistance training. Six male and female practicing resistance training (4 males and 2 females with mean age 33.0 ± 6.16 years, 1.3 ± 0.55 years training with follow-up) and two PTs participated in the study (average 32.0 ± 4.0 years, postgraduates, with a five -year or more experience). The comparison between the intensity planned by the PT and the intensity experienced by the subjects was determined by the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE). Previously, at the beginning of each training, the PT should respond individually to the RPE estimated for each student in that training session. At the end of each session, 30 minutes after its completion, this same scale was answered by the subjects. To compare the intensity of the sessions perceived by the subjects and that planned by the PTs, we used descriptive statistics, standardized mean differences and their confidence intervals. Results have showed that subjects reported substantially higher intensities (small effect size) when compared to PTs. It has been concluded that the intensity experienced by the subjects was substantially higher than that planned by the PTs.


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