Influence of overweight on functional capacity of physically active older women




Aging comprises a dynamic and progressive process, characterized by physiological and functional changes. Among these changes, increase in body fat is considered relevant, since it can leads to impaired physical fitness and augmented cardiometabolic risks. Considering this, the objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of overweight on functional capacity of physically active older women. A field survey was performed with 24 older women who practiced physical exercise. Participants were submitted to anamnesis, anthropometric measures (i.e., body mass and height); the Senior Fitness test; sit and reach flexibility test; and handgrip strength test. Pearson’s correlation test and multivariate logistic regression were used to verify the association between overweight and functional capacity. It was observed that hip flexibility (R=-0.494, p=0.014) and flexibility of the lower limbs (i.e., sit and reach test) showed negative correlation with the body mass index (R=-0.446, p=0.02); and after the multivariate logistic regression, negative correlation of lower limbs flexibility (B= -0,035, p=0,014) and the body mass index was observed. Thus, higher the body mass index among participants, lower hip flexibility they presented.


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