Body image perception and satisfaction in university students




Body image represents the mental perception of body shapes and is a multifactorial structure that includes psychological, physical and emotional elements. The discrepancy between the subjective perception of body image and the desire for the ideal body type can interfere with the feeling of satisfaction and trigger the desire for changes in appearance, directly interfering with mental health and general well-being. Men and women may differ in body image satisfaction due to the different social influences and beauty standards imposed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the subjective perception of body image and satisfaction with body shapes among men and women.  The sample consisted of 100 college students of  both genders. Subjective perception of body image and satisfaction were measured through self-assessment, through scale figure silhouettes. There was a significant difference in the subjective perception of body image in the comparison between genders, and women presented greater discrepancy between the real and the perceived image. In the analysis of satisfaction with body image there were no differences between genders and both presented high percentage of dissatisfaction. In addition, 46.2% of men would like to decrease their body shapes, 53.8% would increase them. As for women, 76.1% would like to decrease their body dimensions and 23.9% to increase them. The strong pressures imposed by society and the standards set by the prevailing media in determining body image dissatisfaction or self-assessment negatively, regardless of gender.


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