Effect acute of resitive training with weight on hidrostatic weigh, body density and percentage of fat
The objective of this study was to verify if a session of Resistive training with Weights (TRP) seeking Local Muscular Resistance (RML) or Increase in Muscle Volume (AVM) would cause significant alterations in Hydrostatic Weight (PH), Body Density (DC) and Percentage of Body Fat (%G). Nine men between the ages of 17 and 26 years participated in the study, all with a basic level of TRP and who were adapted to water. The study was carried out during three days. On the first day, the subjects performed the 1RM test for the 10 exercises included into the training. Two days later, hydrostatic weighing (pre-training)was measured, immediately followed by a TRP session for AVM and by another hydrostatic weighing (post-training) measurement. Two days later, the same process was applied to, however this time with a TRP session for RML. The statistical analyses by Student’s-t test showed that there were no significant differences (p>0.05) between pre and post-training results for PH, DC and %G variables. The 2x2 ANOVA interaction for type of training (AVM and RML) and the moment of weighing (pre and post-training) was not significant, while the results of PH, DC and %G did not depend on the type of training (AVM or RML). Pearson’s linear correlation between the values of the pre and post-training was significant (r?0.94). It can be concluded that the TRP does not have an effect on the results of PH, DC and %G, regardless of type of training performed, therefore, hydrostatic weighing can be measured either before or after the TRP, without interfering on the results.Published
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