Levels of the depression, habits and adherence to the practice of physical activity in depressive people


  • Lucinéia Daleth da Silveira Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Santa Catarina. Coordenadoria de Ed
  • Maria de Fátima da Silva Duarte Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Centro de Desportos – NUPAF




This study aimed at assessing the habitual levels of physical activity, levels of depression, and adherence to the practice of physical activity in people with diagnosed depression. The sample was composed by 320 people under treatment in specialized clinics and hospitals in Florianópolis and São José. The average age of people assessed was 37,5 ± 11 years. As for data collection, a questionary was applied to obtain information on personal data, socioeconomic status and adherence to the practice of physical activity. The IPAQ version 8 (International Physical Activity Questionary) and the BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) were utilized as means to assess levels of physical activity and depression, respectively. It was concluded that: a) men and women with lower socioeconomic status presented more profound depression levels; b) there was a very low of participation in physical activities in both genders; c) walking was the physical activity reported by majority of the people.

Author Biography

Maria de Fátima da Silva Duarte, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – Centro de Desportos – NUPAF

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