Physical and motor profile of children between 6 and 10 years old according to levels of cardiorespiratory fitness




physical fitness, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, motor coordination


This study aimed to compare the physical profile and motor profile of children from 6 to 10 years old, according to their level of cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF). Participated 2036 children from 6 to 10 years old from São José dos Pinhais - PR. Assessed variables were stature, corporal mass, Body mass index (BMI), physical fitness (PF), and gross motor coordination (GMC). The CRF was assessed by the total distance during the 6 minutes walking test. A battery of tests KTK evaluated the GCM. The children were classified according to their levels of CRF (low-moderate-elevated). Differences between groups were tested using ANOVA one way. Data analysis was made in the SPSS software, with a meaningfulness of 5%. Children with low levels of CRF showed higher values of adiposity. On the PF tests, children with low levels of CRF showed higher values of prehension and worse performance in the other tests. Regarding GMC, children with low levels of CRF had lower coordinative performance. Meaningful differences were found in the comparisons between different groups (low-moderate, low-elevated) with an advantage in the results in moderate levels of CRF. Obtaining average levels of CRF can bring protective benefits in other variables in children's growth process and development during infancy. Evaluating the CRF doesn't only get a momentary evaluation. Still, it can also do the monitoring of an essential variable of health, as well as indicate a predisposition about other physical-motor variables.

Author Biography

Raquel, Federal Technological University of Paraná









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