Cardiovascular disease risk factors in Caxias do Sul-RS, Brazil adolescents


  • Daniel Giordani Vasques Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, SC. Brasil



Despite most part of cardiovascular diseases occur in adult life, the process frequently initiate in adolescence. The purpose was to analyze cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents from Caxias do Sul-RS. In this cross-sectional epidemiological study, 1.675 adolescents aged 11 to 17 years were analyzed selected in a proportional randomized conglomerates method by city sector, type of school, and school grade. Risk factors prevalences were: family history (82.4%), athrogenic diet (74.7%), low cardiorespiratory fitness (61.6%), sedentariness (55.8%), elevated blood pressure (28.4%), high waist circumference (27.7%), excess of body fat (26.5%), etilism (22.3%), overweight (19.7%), smoking (6.2%), and alcohol abusive use (4.3%). Boys presented higher prevalence of atherogenic diet (79.4%>70.7%), while girls of sedentariness (66.8%>43.2%), low cardiorespiratory fitness (69.4%>53.0%), smoking (7.9%>4.3%), high waist circumference (32.9%>21.7%), and excess of fat (32.5%>19.7%). In girls, it was associated to sedentariness the age of 15-17y (PR=1.30), living until four people at home (PR=1.17), and to present sedentary behaviours more than 14 hours/week (PR=1.21), to present atherogenic diet (PR=1.12) and low fitness (PR=1.21). In boys, sedentariness was associated to low fitness (PR=1.21). Low cardiorespiratory fitness was associated in girls to the age of 15-17y (PR=1.43), and to mother sedentariness (PR=1.13), and in boys to passive transport to school (PR=1.18). To girls and boys, respectively, sedentariness (PR=1.19 and PR=1.17), overweight (PR=1.16 and PR=1.24), and excess of body fat (PR=1.14 and PR=1.51) were associated to low fitness. Physical activity interventions must be focused on girls, aged 15 to 17 years, living until four people, and exposed to sedentary behaviours. It is recommended more attention to girls in interventions on physical activity, smoking, and excess of weight, and to boys, in food habits.

Biografía del autor/a

Daniel Giordani Vasques, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Florianópolis, SC. Brasil






Resumo de Dissertação e Teses