Neuromuscular profile of Handball players during a short-term condensed competition in Brazil


  • Leonardo Coelho Rabello Lima São Paulo State University.
  • Inaian Pignatti Teixeira São Paulo State University.
  • Priscila Missaki Nakamura Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology.
  • Marina Yumi Hayakawa São Paulo State University.
  • Claudio Oliveira Assumpção Federal University of Ceará.
  • Rafael Pombo Menezes University of São Paulo.



The aim of this study was to assess the neuromuscular profile of handball (TH) players during a short-term condensed competition. Nine TH athletes (age: 23 ± 3 years; height: 176.2 ± 10.5 cm; mass: 75.3 ± 8.6 kg) played 5 handball matches in 5 consecutive days and had exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) markers such as soreness (SOR), thigh circumference (CIR), knee range of motion (ROM) and countermovement jump height (CMJ) collected before the first match and at the end of each day of competition. Changes over time in these markers were analyzed. Significant changes were found for all EIMD markers assessed. CMJ significantly decreased at the fourth day of competition when compared to baseline (0.41 ± 0.03 m vs. 0.45 ± 0.02 m). ROM decreased on the first day of competition and remained stable until the last day of competition (baseline: 126.5 ± 7.2º; 1st day: 115.8 ± 5.9º; 2nd day: 115 ± 7º; 3rd day: 113.9 ± 8.8º; 4th day: 114.4 ± 8.6º). SOR and CIR were increased at the second day of competition and remained altered thereafter. It was concluded that the characteristics of short-term condensed competition have led TH athletes to significant EIMD. If not avoided, EIMD might lead to reductions in performance in the most important (final) matches.

Biografía del autor/a

Leonardo Coelho Rabello Lima, São Paulo State University.

São Paulo State University. Laboratory of Human Performance. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil.

Inaian Pignatti Teixeira, São Paulo State University.

São Paulo State University. Physical Activity, Sport and Health Center. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil.

Priscila Missaki Nakamura, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology.

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology. Muzambinho, MG. Brazil.

Marina Yumi Hayakawa, São Paulo State University.

São Paulo State University. Physical Activity, Sport and Health Center. Rio Claro, SP. Brazil.

Claudio Oliveira Assumpção, Federal University of Ceará.

Federal University of Ceará. Physical Education and Sports Institute. Fortaleza, CE. Brazil.

Rafael Pombo Menezes, University of São Paulo.

University of São Paulo. School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirão Preto. Ribeirão Preto, SP. Brazil.






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