Description of health promotion actions in Brazilian cities that received funds to develop “Academia da Saúde” program


  • Alex Antonio Florindo University of São Paulo
  • Rodrigo Siqueira Reis Pontifical Catholic University of Parana
  • José Cazuza de Farias Júnior Federal University of Paraíba
  • Fernando Vinholes Siqueira Federal University of Pelotas
  • Priscila Missaki Nakamura São Paulo State University
  • Pedro Curi Hallal Federal University of Pelotas




The objective of this study was to describe the health promotion actions that were planned in cities that received funds to develop the “Academia da Saúde” program. We conducted a phone survey with 914 Secretary of Health from cities that received funds until July/2012. We calculated prevalence (%) of health promotion actions, expected results, number of people that would be assisted, partners for actions, health professionals in actions, manager group for coordinate and main objectives for proposal the actions. The most of the cities were of the south (25.9%) and southeast (33.4%). The actions would provide reach over one million of people in 25% of the cities. Improves of physical activity and healthy food are priorities in the actions. The most of cities had partners for actions. Only 50% of the cities had used health indicators for planning the program and 25% of the cities had planned training for health professionals and manager group for coordinate the program. The actions had focus in physical activity and healthy food. A large of number of people would be reach in actions. Only half of cities used health indicators for plan and few cities planned professional training and manager group. It is necessary improve the use of health indicators for plan, training of professionals and developing manager group for coordinate the actions. The continuum evaluation these program to verify possible effectiveness results in physical activity level and healthy food of population is a challenge for the Ministry of Health. 

Biografía del autor/a

Alex Antonio Florindo, University of São Paulo

University of São Paulo

Rodrigo Siqueira Reis, Pontifical Catholic University of Parana

Pontifical Catholic University of Parana

José Cazuza de Farias Júnior, Federal University of Paraíba

Federal University of Paraíba

Fernando Vinholes Siqueira, Federal University of Pelotas

Federal University of Pelotas

Priscila Missaki Nakamura, São Paulo State University

São Paulo State University

Pedro Curi Hallal, Federal University of Pelotas

Federal University of Pelotas






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