Critical velocity estimates running velocity in a 10-km running race in recreational runners




The aim of this study was to compare the estimated running velocity in a critical velocity (CV) test with the real running velocity in a 10-km race. This is a cross-sectional study with a convenience sample of 34 runners, 20 males and 14 females (42,4 ± 11,0). The participants attended two days of testing and one day to participate in an official 10-km race. During the visits, the following tests were performed: i) 400-meter running track test and ii) 2000 meter running track test. They were randomly selected and held in official athletics track with at least 48 hours rest between them. The athletes were instructed to participate in the study properly recovered, fed and hydrated. The CV was calculated as the linear relation between distance and race time, corresponding to the slope of the linear regression line. Both tests occurred in similar climatic situations. We found good agreement between the velocities estimated through the CV test and the real running velocity of a 10-km race. Although there was a difference in velocities estimated by the CV test and the real 10-km race, the variation delta was low. Thus, these data indicate that the CV test seems to be a good tool for estimating the velocity of a 10-km race. The CV determined in the field with two fixed distances 400 and 2000 meter was valid to estimate the running velocity of a 10-km race.


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