Comparison between bioimpedance and anthropometry and the relationship of body indexes to resting energy expenditure and biochemistry blood markers in obese women


  • Carlos Alexandre Fett Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Waléria Christiane Rezende Fett Laboratório de Espetrometria de Massa. Universidade de São Paulo.
  • Julio Sérgio Marchini Laboratório de Espetrometria de Massa. Universidade de São Paulo.



The excess of body fat is related to the worsening of blood biochemical markers, and is also correlated with increased morbimortality. It is suggested that the anthropometry is limited to evaluated body composition with different body mass index (BMI, kg/m2). Thus, our objective was to determine if the anthropometry was comparable to bioelectric impedance (BIA) and if anthropometric body indexes were correlated to blood biochemical markers and resting energy expenditure. Women ranging weight from normality to obesity (age: 18-64 years, 36±11 years, body mass index, BMI=24 to 57 kg/m2, 31±6) volunteered to participate. Body composition and body indexes were evaluated by both anthropometry and BIA. Resting energy expenditure and blood samples were obtained in the fasting state in the morning. Four blood biochemical markers were correlated with weight, waist-to-hip ratio and the sum of eight skinfolds (P<0.05). Five biochemical markers were significantly correlated with BMI, abdominal circumference and percent of body fat (P<0.05). Weight, percent of body fat, BMI and lean body mass were correlated with resting energy expenditure. The lean body mass estimated by BIA and by anthropometry showed no statistical difference. In conclusion, anthropometric data indicated a good correlation with blood biochemical markers. The total cholesterol/HDL ratio was correlated with all anthropometry measurements, while glucose had no association with any variable. Anthropometry is a simple and an inexpensive method, which is well correlated with blood biochemical markers, resting energy expenditure and BIA. The reduction in these risk factors, due to lifestyle changes, may allow for reducing morbidity and mortality.

Biografía del autor/a

Carlos Alexandre Fett, Faculdade de Educação Física da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso

Waléria Christiane Rezende Fett, Laboratório de Espetrometria de Massa. Universidade de São Paulo.

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Currículo Lattes

Julio Sérgio Marchini, Laboratório de Espetrometria de Massa. Universidade de São Paulo.

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Currículo Lattes





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