Lifestyle of HIV seropositives patients and your association with CD4 positive t-lymphocytes counts
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lifestyle of patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and to associate it with CD4 positive T-lymphocytes counts. The convenience sample was composed by 111 subjects (68 males and 43 females, with mean age of 37 years). The data for lifestyle assessment (dietary habits, physical activity level, preventive health behavior, relationships and stress control) were assessed through interview. CD4 positive T-lymphocytes were obtained from patient’s hospital file. Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, using Tukey post hoc test and the Chi-square test were performed. The results showed a mean CD4 positive Tlymphocytes of 345 and a median of 296 The majority of patients performed all routine tests and followed all medical recommendations (92,8%), used preservative during sexual intercourses (80,2%), tried to nurture friendship and were satisfied with their relationships (80,2%) and reserved daily time to relax (82%). An undesirable lifestyle in the dietary habits and physical activity components was detected. The compliance to preventive health behaviors was significantly greater than the other (6.95 points). Statistically significant associations between stress control and CD4 positive T-lymphocytes equal or higher than 296 were observed (p<0.05). However, no association with dietary habits, physical activity level, preventive health behavior, relationships, global lifestyle, and CD4 positive T-lymphocytes were noted. It was concluded that HIV patients had undesirable dietary habits and physical activity level. The importance of stress control for CD4 positive T-lymphocytes was emphasized, even though, contribution of other components of lifestyle needs to be taken into account.Publicado
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