Body fat percentage in adolescents from Curitiba-PR metropolitan region: reference data using LMS method
Percentile indicators, aided in its development by biomedical engineering, relative to body fat distribution in adolescents are able to help health professionals in better diagnosing overweight and obesity. The aim of this study was to calculate percentile values to body fat in adolescents aged between 12 and 17 years from the Curitiba-PR and its metropolitan region composed of 29 municipalities, having as reference method the dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) technology. After applying inclusion criteria for the adolescents, anthropometric measures of body fat and stature were taken, as well as evaluation of the body composition through DXA. The statistical analysis was grounded in the presentation of percentilic values developed by Cole and Green’s LMS method, where L stands for the skewness curve, M for the mean curve and S for the variance curve. In total, 390 boys were evaluated. The fat percentage values tend to show a decrease between the ages of 12 (22.8±5.1%) and 16 years (17.9±2.9%). Moreover, for the superior percentiles: 90th and 97th re-start to increase at the age of 17 after showing a decrease in the previous years. The L, M and S parameters, altogether with the percentiles created to evaluate body fat are interesting tools to tendency and evolution analyses, as well as to enable inferences to be made about the body composition of adolescents.
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