Factors associated with the practice of physical activity among university students in social isolation during the covid-19 pandemic




Palabras clave:

Physical activity, Lifestyle, Student Health, Pandemic


This study sought to analyze the practice of physical activity (PA) among university students, during the COVID-19 pandemic, and associated factors. This is a cross-sectional study with an analytical approach, carried out with 857 university students enrolled in higher education institutions in Montes Claros, in the state of Minas Gerais. Data collection was carried out using the Google forms, which was shared via social networks, containing questions regarding sociodemographic profile, physical activity, clinical factors, and behavioral and health habits. A descriptive exploratory analysis of the data was carried out, with frequency distribution of the study variables. Subsequently, bivariate analyses were performed and the associated variables with up to a level of 20% (p ≤ 0.20) were selected for multiple analysis using Poisson Regression. The prevalence non-practice of PA during the pandemic was of 56.8% among college students. Variables, such as being with a partner (PR=1.28), presence of respiratory diseases (PR=1.17), negative self-perception of health (PR=1.37), increased consumption of ultra-processed foods (PR=1.29), and presence of depression (PR=1.21), showed statistically significant associations with the practice of physical activity. We concluded that the non-practice of PA in university students during the social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is associated with marital status, presence of respiratory diseases, negative self-perception of health, increased consumption of ultra-processed foods, and presence of depression.

Biografía del autor/a

Josiane Santos Brant Rocha, FIPMoc University Center




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