Gender, Reciprocity and Market in Elderly Care




This text discusses the theme of care workers for the elderly who have their services intermediated by a care enterprise. The text is based on a case study in Rio de Janeiro. These women’s work is analyzed through the tension between two logics: one that sees care shaped by values associated with reciprocity and solidarity, perceived as feminine, and another marked by the necessity of professionalization and emotion’s management. The research’s results suggest that both logics – the reciprocity one and the market one – compete in the production of care work’s moral and emotional demands, and that some care workers operate strategies of detachment from the family model of care as a way to value their own work.


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Author Biography

Anna Bárbara Araujo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Atualmente curso o segundo ano do doutorado em Sociologia e Antropologia na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, sob orientação da professora Bila Sorj. Desde a graduação venho estudando a temática do cuidado, sob a perspectiva da divisão sexual do trabalho, já tendo inclusive publicado sobre o tema em diferentes revistas acadêmicas (Sociedade e Estado, Askesis) e apresentado resultados de pesquisa em congressos como SBS, ANPOCS e RBA.  Entre 2013 e 2015 fui assistente editorial da Revista Current Sociology.



How to Cite

Araujo, A. B. (2019). Gender, Reciprocity and Market in Elderly Care. Revista Estudos Feministas, 27(1).


