Covid-19, International Financial Institutions and the Continuity of Androcentric Policies in Latin America


  • Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky
  • Mariana Rulli



This article analyses, from a human rights and feminist economy perspective, the emergency financial policies deployed by the international financial institutions (IFIs) –in particular the IMF and the World Bank- to help States in Latina America to cope with the Covid-19 crisis. The macroeconomic and fiscal assumptions as well as the underlying economic policies behind the loans that IFIs are granting to States are studied, identifying clear signals that fiscal discipline and pro-market options will continue being the priorities as soon as the emergency has been overcome. The study explains how the adjustment and austerity policies implemented in the countries in the region have adversely and disproportionally affected women’s rights, in particular reinforcing the invisibilization of gender inequalities in the domestic and care work and how this situation, in turn, has put women in a situation of greater vulnerability to the pandemic. It also criticizes the (self)called “gender approach” of IFIs for being merely instrumental to economic growth without consideration to the intrinsic value of gender equality and women’s rights. The responsibility of IFIs for complicity with economic reforms with known adverse effects on gender equality is studied. Given the policy and legal implications of the findings presented in this research, the article concludes that States in the region should consider carefully the conditions of the loans being offered by IFIs, for which it is crucial to conduct ex ante evaluations of the impact of these financial contacts on the human rights of the population, and in particular on gender equality.


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Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky

Juan Pablo Bohoslavsky ha sido Experto Independiente en Deuda Externa y Derechos Humanos de la ONU (junio 2014 – mayo 2020). Trabajó para la Unctad y fue consultor de empresas del Estado argentino y de la Cepal. Doctor en Derecho, estudió en universidades de Argentina, Estados Unidos y Europa. Ha publicado numerosos libros y artículos sobre deuda, inversiones y derechos humanos. Su última publicación es “Austerity measures and women’s social and economic rights: We need to look deeper”,  en Christina Binder et al. (eds.), Research Handbook on International Law and Social Rights, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020 (en prensa, en coautoría con Abby Kendrick). 


Mariana Rulli

Mariana Rulli es politóloga (UBA), con una maestría en Políticas Sociales de la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO), una maestría en Género y Diversidad Familiar de la Universidad de Barcelona y doctora en Ciencias Sociales de la FLACSO. Se ha desempeñado como docente en la UBA y actualmente es profesora e investigadora del Área de Ciencia Política, CIEDIS-Universidad Nacional de Río Negro (UNRN). Sus principales temas de investigación son género, seguridad social, derechos humanos y empresas, sobre los que ha realizado numerosas publicaciones en América Latina y Europa. Su último artículo es “Madres y/o Políticas: entre el derecho a participar y el derecho al cuidado” en Laura Pautassi (ed.), Géneros, Justicia y Políticas Públicas, Ed. Rubinzal Culzoni, 2020.


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How to Cite

Bohoslavsky, J. P., & Rulli, M. (2020). Covid-19, International Financial Institutions and the Continuity of Androcentric Policies in Latin America. Revista Estudos Feministas, 28(2).


