The Body Matters: Speaking Bodies and the Discursive Production of Sex


  • Camilla de Magalhães Gomes UniCEUB



The decolonial studies show us that coloniality has as its fundamental dichotomy the division between humans and non-humans. What processes, however, produce or fill this opposition? This article seeks to discuss sex as a discursive production that is part of the processes of humanity distribution of western coloniality. In order to do so, it works with the notion of talking bodies, as a way to break with the idea of the body as a blank canvas, nature to which a sense is imprinted through culture. In this way, it becomes possible to question sexual dimorphism and to think of the magnification of the ways in which we attribute the language of sex and thus reconstruct language over bodies in order to allow more, so that we can say that although we only know the bodies through of language, they always exceed it.


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Author Biography

Camilla de Magalhães Gomes, UniCEUB

Doutora em Direito, Estado e Constituição pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB, Brasília, DF, Brasil). Professora do Centro Universitário de Brasília (UniCeub)


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How to Cite

Magalhães Gomes, C. de. (2020). The Body Matters: Speaking Bodies and the Discursive Production of Sex. Revista Estudos Feministas, 28(3).


