Spaces of violence in the case of LGBTIQ+ immigration




Immigration, Refuge, LGBTIQ , Spaces of Violence


The objective of the study is to analyze the impacts of spaces of violence in the case of LGBTIQ+ immigration. The qualitative methodology includes a set of theoretical reflections on the migration of LGBTIQ+ subjects and the conjuncture of violence against the LGBTIQ+ population in Brazil, as well as semi-structured interviews with ten LGBTIQ+ immigrants and refugees living in the city of São Paulo. The analysis focuses on how spaces of violence can affect the migratory experience of these subjects. The results demonstrate that spaces of violence are mainly related to the institutional scope and the appropriation of physical and symbolic spaces in the city.


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Author Biography

Hadriel Geovani da Silva Theodoro, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Associate Researcher at the Institut de la Comunicació of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (InCom-UAB). PhD in Communication from the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing of São Paulo (PPGCOM-ESPM).


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How to Cite

da Silva Theodoro, H. G. (2023). Spaces of violence in the case of LGBTIQ+ immigration. Revista Estudos Feministas, 31(1).




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