Dissident Textual Territories: Reading with María Lugones the Literature of Bolivia


  • Magdalena González Almada CIFFyH-CONICET




María Lugones, Textual territories, Endurance, Contemporary Bolivian narratives


This work investigates the contributions made by the theory elaborated by the philosopher María Lugones. Although Lugones does not include literary theory and criticism in her studies, this article tries to put into dialogue theoretical perspectives that, within the framework of the discussion on literary production in times of the reproduction of colonial logic, are viable to be thought from writing practices and from the construction of textual territories that enable the expression of writing subjectivities. In this way, and taking into account the oppressive dynamics of the colonial system prevailing in Latin America, this text warns of the possibility of reading in contemporary Bolivian narratives not only the configuration of textual territories but also the strategies of resistance -in literature - against the dominant Latin American colonial order.


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How to Cite

González Almada, M. (2022). Dissident Textual Territories: Reading with María Lugones the Literature of Bolivia. Revista Estudos Feministas, 30(1). https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9584-2022v30n185059



Seção Temática María Lugones

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