Lost a Bob but Found a Tanner: From a Translator’s Workshop


  • Marianna Gula University of Debrecen, Hungary




As Fritz Senn noted four decades ago, translators of Ulysses embark upon “a veritable odyssey,” so they need “the skill, the resourcefulness of Odysseus himself, as well as his perseverance and, if possible, some help from a kindly disposed goddess of wisdom.”1 What Senn’s writings have amply demonstrated, however, is that no matter how endowed with the above mentioned merits translators are, the language of Ulysses ineluctably resists or evades their kindly efforts. As a Joyce scholar, I wholeheartedly subscribe to Senn’s opinion that to translate Ulysses is to fail as no other literary translator dare fail.

Author Biography

Marianna Gula, University of Debrecen, Hungary

Marianna Gula is a lecturer at the Institute of English and American Studies, University of Debrecen, Hungary. Her articles on Joyce have appeared in the Irish University Review, Papers on Joyce and in Hungarian journals. Her Ph.D. dissertation A Tale of a Pub (2003) re-examines the representation of Irish cultural nationalism in the “Cyclops” episode of Ulysses. Currently she participates in an ongoing project aiming to provide a re-edited Hungarian version and partial re-translation of Ulysses.





Dossiê : The James Joyce Translation Dossier (guest-edited by Jolanta Wawrzycka)