Part 1: Shortmind


  • Erika Mihálycsa Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
  • Jolanta Wawrzycka Radford University
  • Fritz Senn
  • Katarzyna Bazarnik
  • Erik Bindervoet
  • Tim Conley
  • Guillermo Sanz Gallego University College Ghent
  • Robbert-Jan Henkes
  • Elena Păcurar
  • Enrico Terrinoni University for Foreigners of Perugia



O objetivo deste projeto colaborativo [editado por F. Senn, E. Mihálycsa e J. Wawrzycka], trabalho de dez autores e que cobre mais de dez línguas, é catalogar as possibilidades de tradução ao se recriar nos textos da língua alvo as formas anômalas, elípticas, pré-gramaticais e incoativas que se tornaram como que uma marca distintiva do monólogo interior joyceano, chamadas aqui de “shortmind”. Trata, portanto, de tópicos como indeterminação, ordem (anômala) das palavras, pontuação, elipse, polissemia, agramaticalidade, sub-padrões linguísticos, etc, e examina a (má)vontade de textos em tradução de romper com regras e normas de controle, correção e coerência (sintáticas e narrativas) arraigadas na cultura alvo.


The aim of this collaborative project [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of ten authors and covering more than ten languages, is to chart the possibilities of translation to recreate in the TL texts, the anomalous, elliptic, pre-grammatical, inchoative forms that became almost a signature mark of the Joycean interior monologue, and which here are called 'shortmind'. It therefore addresses such issues as indeterminacy, (anomalous) word order, punctuation, ellipsis, polysemy, ungrammaticality, linguistic sub-standards etc., and examines the (un)willingness of translation texts to breach ingrained rules and norms of (syntactic, narrative) control, correctness and coherence, in the TL culture.

Keywords: Anomalous Structures; James Joyce; Linguistic Sub-standards; Non-normative Syntax; Sliding Signi-fication.

Biografia do Autor

Erika Mihálycsa, Babes-Bolyai University, Romania

"Erika Mihálycsa is Assistant Professor at the Department of English,
Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj, Romania. Her teaching and research interest
centre on modern and postmodernist British and Irish literature;
poststructuralist literary theories; translation studies; and contemporary art
theory. Her work has appeared in JJQ and in literary journals in Romania.
She is also translator of Anglo-Irish literature into Romanian, including
works of Flann O’Brien, John Banville, Julian Barnes, Partick McCabe,
Jeanette Winterson, Emma Donoghue, and Ted Hughes."

Fritz Senn

Estudioso da vida e da obra de James Joyce há mais de cinco décadas, Senn contribuiu de maneira decisive para conformar os estudos joyceanos tal como o conhecemos hoje, tendo ensinado na Europa e nos Estados Unidos, e influenciado diversos estudiosos com suas publicações, as quais incluem artigos, ensaios e livros. Fundou a Zurich James Joyce Foundation em 1985 com o intento de manter vivas a memória e a obra de Joyce.

Tim Conley

Tim Conley is Assistant Professor of English Literature at Brock University. His essays, fiction, poetry, and reviews have appeared in journals in six countries. He is the author of, most recently, Whatever Happens (Insomniac Press, 2006) and, with Stephen Cain, The Encyclopedia of Fictional and Fantastic Languages (Greenwood, 2006).






The Polylogue Project