Theoretical and practical notes on the multimodality analysis of localized digital games


  • Fernando da Silva Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



This article proposes to present brief theoretical and methodological contributions regarding the mapping and analysis of multimodal contents in localized videogames within the framework of Translation Studies and Corpus-based Studies. The proposal to observe multimodal contents (audio, video, texts, static images, etc) in localized videogames favors a deeper look into the different aspects of linguistic, visual and cultural representations that emerge in this type of investigation. In order to formalize the article’s proposal I make a brief introduction on resources such as software for multimodal corpus annotation and hardware for video capture, amongst other tools, to be used for the investigation of multimodal corpora. Finally, I show the main limitations in investigating corpora of a dynamic nature, such as digital games, and in what ways the task of observing the multiplicity of semiotic resources brings to the fore intertextual relations beyond the analyzed corpus.

Author Biography

Fernando da Silva, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Fernando da Silva é bacharel em Letras de língua inglesa e literatura pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), mestre em Estudos de Tradução (PGET – UFSC) e doutorando pelo mesmo programa de pós-graduação. Atualmente faz sua pesquisa de doutorado com foco em jogos digitais localizados dentro do par linguístico inglês-português.





Dossiê – Localização de games: um olhar interdisciplinar (org. Gustavo Althoff)