Video game localization: material and iconic peritexts


  • Ramón Méndez González Universidade de Vigo



From an academic and professional perspectives the video game industry is just a newborn industry with many unknown nooks still to be explored. Few studies in the field of translation and interpretation have examined this industry more deeply, and many professionals do not know all the dynamics involved in their localization practice. In this article we will define the notion of localization in as broad a manner as the term accepts and we will offer two clear instances of localization that are present in the everyday activities of the industry, but of which few are aware.

Author Biography

Ramón Méndez González, Universidade de Vigo

Ramón Méndez González, nacido en Ourense en 1983, se licenció en Traducción e Interpretación por la Universidade de Vigo en la promoción 2003-2008. Profesional del sector de los videojuegos desde agosto de 2003. Título de la tesis doctoral: Traducción & paratraducción de videojuegos: textualidad y paratextualidad en la traducción audiovisual y multimedia (2014)





Dossiê – Localização de games: um olhar interdisciplinar (org. Gustavo Althoff)