Being a CETRA student: a critical account of the 2009 summer school


  • Alice Leal Universidade de Viena



The present paper is a short critical account of my experience as a CETRA Summer School student in 2009. In addition to mentioning practical information about the application process, funding possibilities, visas and insurance, I shall also draw an overview of the 20 years CETRA and its Summer School have been in existence. Furthermore, I will include a description of the routine at the Summer School and, finally – and perhaps most importantly – I will comment on the Summer School’s seminar, lectures, tutorials and students’ presentations. The main aim of this paper is not only to provide an overview of this prestigious event in Translation Studies, but also to encourage other students to take part.

Biografía del autor/a

Alice Leal, Universidade de Viena

Doutoranda em Estudos da Tradução. Áreas específicas: Tradução Literária e Estudos da Tradução no Brasil.





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